
Congratulations on deciding to join the hundreds of Saskatchewan urban municipalities who share ownership of SUMAssure! To get the process started, you’ll need to fill out some forms so we can prepare your policy. You may need other documents to supplement or complete your application, so we recommend reviewing all the forms before you get started.

All new applicants must fill out the:

  • Municipal Insurance Application;
  • Schedule of Contractors’ Property;
  • Statement of Values; and
  • Loss History Report.

The remaining forms may or may not be necessary, depending on your municipality. The form descriptions should help you determine whether you need to complete them or not.

Once you’ve completed the necessary forms, submit them by email to If you have any questions about the process, don’t hesitate to contact us for help.

Municipal Insurance Application

This form includes the general questions for your application. It covers areas such as:

  • community events;
  • boards and committees;
  • crime;
  • vacant properties;
  • municipal facilities and services;
  • drinking water;
  • professional employees or contractors;
  • environmental factors; and
  • past claims.

Schedule of Contractors’ Property

Fill out this spreadsheet, listing all vehicles that should be included in your policy, including firefighting equipment. You’ll need to provide these details for each item:

  • Item number
  • Year
  • Description
  • Serial Number
  • Value

Statement of Values

Fill out this spreadsheet, including details of all municipal properties to be included in your policy. You’ll need to provide these details for each property:

  • Location number
  • Location name
  • Location address
  • Construction details
  • Year built
  • Square footage
  • Protection information (sprinklers/alarms)
  • Property type (hall, rink, office, library, etc.)
  • Basis of settlement (replacement cost, functional replacement cost, etc.)
  • Building
  • Tenants improvements
  • Contents/equipment

Loss History Report

This form covers the claims you’ve made through your insurance in the last five years. For each claim, you’ll need to include:

  • the year the claim was made;
  • a description of the claim; and
  • the amount claimed.

Airport Liability Questionnaire

You’ll need to fill out this form if your municipality owns or operates an airport. It covers information such as:

  • fuels and lubricants used at the site;
  • facilities and buildings;
  • fees;
  • vehicles and aircrafts used at the airport;
  • arrivals and departures; and
  • previous insurance.

Environmental Impairment Liability Application

Include a completed copy of this form if your municipality owns or operates a landfill. It covers information such as:

  • location;
  • ownership type;
  • past and estimated future usage;
  • types of waste disposed of at the site;
  • past environmental audits;
  • disposal methods; and
  • emissions and effluent control.

Vacancy Application

If there are any municipal properties that are vacant (even for part of the year), you’ll need to fill out this short form with details about each vacant location.

Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment Application

Through SUMAssure, you can offer accidental death and dismemberment insurance to council members, employees (including summer students), and volunteers (including first responders). Each person will need to fill out a copy of this form to apply for their own optional coverage.

Optional Cyber Liability

Expenses resulting from a cyber-attack, privacy breach or liability suit can be covered by an optional Cyber policy available through SUMAssure. To obtain coverage or a quotation, the following form must be completed.